Discover our online parceling platform.

What is 2Go Logistics
We are a national and international transportation broker with 15 years of experience, understanding and serving clients in Mexico and around the world.
Our goal is to be an ally to provide solutions to your logistics needs. Focus on achieving the greatest efficiency at the lowest costs.
2Go Logistics Ecosystem
Manage your shipments 100% digitally.
We improve your shipping service experience, Pak2Go introduced ePAK, the new digital parcel platform where you can handle all your operations in one place.

- Immediate quotes
- Positioned within 24 hours.
- Availability and coverage

To be a strategic ally that provides knowledge, support and experience, which contributes to an optimal planning and execution process of our clients' logistics.
- Impeccable Delivery
- Responsibility
- Move with Passion
- Integrity
- Austerity
- Collaboration
- Adaptability
Third Party Logistics or 3PL (Third Party Logistics) is an intermediary logistics system between the manufacturer and the end user, where the services offered include the transportation of goods, their storage and distribution.
Companies that hire a logistics provider manage to optimize their supply chains and thus reduce their costs, benefiting from a comprehensive service that solves all their needs in one place.
Within the logistics sector, logistics providers who facilitate operational and distribution processes are known as business partners.
They are considered a figure of society for being a key element for the proper flow of goods and merchandise that are the object of the business, allowing companies to operate without worrying about the lack of supplies or late deliveries to customers.
2Go Logistics solves your transportation and distribution needs under applied logistics criteria that incorporates intelligent planning, development and monitoring processes.
We are more than a company that puts its services at your disposal, getting fully involved in the operation as a business partner with the aim of helping you achieve your goals.
You can register on the 2Go Logistics platform by simply filling out the form and we will assign you your username and password. An advisor will contact you to offer you all the shipping options that you can do with our services.
Request reports by emailing info@2GoLogistics.com or by calling 01800 APOYO 06 / 01800 2769606.
2Go Logistics offers you national and international Logistics and Transportation services, as well as Foreign Trade. These comprehensive services include freight, storage and permanent monitoring of your shipment, using land, air and sea routes.
In addition, we have our original brand 2Go Logistics, which focuses on offering parcel and consolidated transportation solutions. We have a digital platform where you can manage all your orders and connect your online store.